Title: Titus |
Titus is one of the Pauline Epistles that is closely associated with 1 & 2 Timothy. These letters are often called the "pastoral epistles" because they deal with pastoral issues in congregations. The letter is addressed to Titus, a gentile convert who som |
Title: Philemon |
Philemon is a letter that Paul wrote to a friend named Philemon who apparently lived in Colossae. Paul was in prison at the time. There he met Onesimus, a slave who had run away from Philemon. Onesimus had come to faith in Christ, and Paul urges Philemon |
Title: Hebrews |
Hebrews is an early Christian sermon. The author is unknown, although the book has traditionally been associated with Paul because Timothy is mentioned in 13:23. The sermon was sent to a group of people who had come to faith in Christ, suffered persecutio |
Title: James |
The book of James presents a series of teachings that urge Christians to "be doers of the word, and not merely hearers". True religion entails the care of orphans and widows, and keeping oneself unstained from the world. Faith by itself, without works, is |
Title: Peter 1 |
1 Peter is a letter ascribed to Peter and sent to Christians living in Asia Minor. The letter rejoices that Christians have received an imperishable inheritance in heaven, although they have to suffer for a while on earth. The author calls Christians to b |
Title: Peter 2 |
2 Peter is a letter ascribed to the apostle Peter. The author recalls how he heard the voice of God when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, and he warns against false prophets who lead people astray; such prophets will be punished by God. Although so |
Title: John 1 |
1 John is a treatise that was written by an unknown author in language similar to that used in John's gospel. The Christian community had suffered a schism. The author seeks to restore fellowship by reminding readers that all have sinned. Those who say th |