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Auction Explosion :
Auction Explosion,NA, Name:
Auction Explosion
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive: You won't have to visit another yard sale or thrift shop in order to find items to sell. Before long you'll have several products that you can publish on demand making as much money as you want. You
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1. Auction Explosion
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive: You won't have to visit another yard sale or thrift shop in order to find items to sell. Before long you'll have several products that you can publish on demand making as much money as you want. You determine what you want to make each week, and you work towards that goal. No more sweating it out to see if you're going to make any money that week if bidding is bad. You'll feel confidant knowing that when you list your products that the bids will start rolling in. These products are easy to ship. No worrying about breakage or packing material. You just put them in an envelope and send them on their way. No more taping layers of bubble wrap around fragile items only to find that they arrived broken. You'll learn how to research your idea first before you create your products so that you'll know when you list them that you are providing material that consumers are craving. Youll learn customer support tactics that will ensure that your customers turn into repeat buyers, and start recommending your product to all their family and friends. I share with you what I have discovered through many trials and tests, how to create an auction ad that will have bidders dying to purchase your product. These are techniques that I have perfected over the past 2 years, and with each improvement I've made with my ads, the more the bids skyrocketed. You'll learn how to look at auctions from a bidder's point of view. The more you're able to understand your potential bidders, the easier it'll be for you to cater to their needs. I'll show you how you can turn an everyday problem, that you've found a solution for, and turn it into a wealth of information that consumers will purchase like crazy. Test auctions are one of the keys to ensuring that you have an idea that will sell. I'll share with you how I run my test auctions first before creating my product, to ensure that the product will be profitable before I waste my time on it any further. Youll learn how to stay focused and on track during the creation process. This is one of the hardest parts of writing a book, but I'll show you how I stay focused and on track to ensure that my books are completed right on schedule. When it comes to publishing your manual, you don't have to hire a printer. You can publish them yourself right in your own home and I'm going to share with you the 3 best ways I publish my own manuals. The terms that you put in your auctions can make or break you. Make sure you have bidder friendly terms before you ever start your first auction. The answer is in Chapter 5 of "Auction Explosion" Handling Your Auctions. Did you know that by offering free shipping, not only can you increase your profits but also see your bids DOUBLE? I show you why in Chapter 6 "Tips & Tricks" where I share with you tips that I have implemented in my own auctions that produced amazing results. mp3, audiobook, audio, book, ebooks
Date Added: Dec/31/1969
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