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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer :
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Mark Twain, Name:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain
Mark Twain's epic of a southern boy in America who just wouldn't stop being lazy with his normal life tells a story that many can relate to. Tom Sawyer comes to play as a regular boy in the countryside who wouldn't finish painting a fence when told by his
Avg. Price: $0.00

1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain's epic of a southern boy in America who just wouldn't stop being lazy with his normal life tells a story that many can relate to. Tom Sawyer comes to play as a regular boy in the countryside who wouldn't finish painting a fence when told by his aunt to do so. Being lazy and spoiled, Tom doesn't always listen to his elders and even tries to escape his educational life. After school, Tom goes to his friend Huckleberry Finn to trade some belongings like a fallen tooth and a tick that's already found a home on Huck's skin. As if trying to get out of religion school wasn't the worst Tom could do to his education, his amateur skills at flirting with young girls would lead him to some tight spots. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a girl in his school. After a small incident between Tom and Becky, Tom and Huck witness a murder in front of their eyes by a northern half-breed named Injun Joe. Not telling the authority for fear of Injun Joe's wrath, the two boys become part of a pirate group away from home. mp3, audiobook, audio, book
Date Added: Dec/31/1969
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